Chloe's build is essentially complete with only finishing touches and tests to go, before she's ready to be loaded up with kit.
Her Vinyl Wrap is now complete and she's looking very smart in her new navy blue skin tight suit.
Her mast is up with all her standing and running rigging. And, her first three essential sails: Main, Soylent Jim and Staysail.

She's now outside in the yard and sitting in the Cherbourg rain Her Bimini's installed and folded.

Her serious 33Kg Rocna Anchor is mounted on front and looks solid.

We're still going back and forwards on whether to install her light wind, down wind sails with a dousing sock or a top down fuller. So, that will have to come a little later. We'd love some advise here... there seem to be so many opinions out there...
We also have to install a boom brake.
Chloe's now just waiting for her Documentation to come through form the US Coast Guard before being allowed in the water. The Jan 2019 shutdown threw a wrench in the Coastguard's works and created a backlog for US boat and ship registrations.
Our next step is to assemble a load of equipment, spares and boat stuff to load onboard and to run as much testing that can be done before her first Splash. Over the next week or two we'll also plan to get some training up on all the new systems. We will download soft copy documentation and read over all the manuals for every thing from the water maker to the stove to the anchor windlass- making notes of th spares well need to order and carry.
We'll probably only make one more blog posting for her launch into water and that will conclude the blogs for : Build Step's for S/V Chloe.
Following this, will be her Cruising Blog.
Towards this end, we have updated our blog site design a little, we'll add a Chloe AIS tracker and we'll add some blogs related to maintenance, modifications, sailing along the way and of course her visited destinations.