It's mid-January of 2019. Everyones back to work and Chloe's moving along with full steam ahead!
Over the past couple weeks her internal furniture work has really made a lot of headway. Her galley has been roughed out and the space for her galley stove is now apparent. Her Afromosia (African Teak) woodwork is now revealing itself. African Teak is a rot resistant wood from central Africa. Although Teak has been used for decades as a mainstream wood in sailboats, it's not a great wood to use as it's being removed in mass - in favor of African palm oil plantings. We hope that, like Central American Teak in Costa Rica and Panama, as examples, Africa will follow a similar path of re-forestation of it's African Teak plantings.

Chloe's cockpit lazarette design includes a huge, tall lip so that, once closed with the rubber seal, water can not penetrate the locker. Two of her four winches are also installed now. Two powered and two manual. All 4 are oversized - just to make things easier.

A lot more closed cell neoprene foam has been applied. Her internal ceiling has been insulated and insulation has been applied around the guide tubes for her lines that lead back to the cockpit.
Now only a little over 2 months to go before her Launch....