We continued North, driving through Wales, on our way to Scotland, the land of pretty toilet seats, to visit Peter's family.
We stopped off briefly at Newport, South Wales where Peter got his first job in the 80's , in theSemiconductor industry, designing transistors and silicon chip processes. We also looked at Peter's home that he had bought there. A tiny little end building.

We continued North through the pretty Brecon Beacons, a central 'mountainous' area of Wales with small lakes, hills and lots of sheep. All very pretty.
Half way to Scotland we arrived at the Fenwick arms hotel in Lancaster. A truly lovely spot with tremendous food. A hotel run by some bright, young Portuguese guys with an eye for quality. We wish them the best with their new business. 10/10.
Peter's sister Helen had been following our blogs and invited us to stay with her - and to meet her new kiddies, Ruby and Robbie. And her lovely German Au Pair, Jooke. We were very grateful for a family home base. We stayed for a couple of weeks - and then, immediately got sick with a nasty local flu.
Importantly, Charlie the Cat , whom had flown from California when we sold our house, was waiting for us at Helen's house. We even think he actually recognized us.. . but perhaps not. Tricky things.... the minds of cats.

Peter's sister Helen decided that she wanted to add a small porch to the side of her house. We had offered to help as we were touring Scotland at the same time. We had not worked with slate roof before -- nor the all important lead flashing involved - but with the help of a local roofing contractor, we assembled a simple wood post and truss structure that Peter's Dad designed and that Helen then painted, had flashed with lead sheeting and slated. It was fun to do a project again.

While visiting Peter's Mum, we hooked up with Kieth, Peter's friend from School. He showed us his half mega watt community hydro project - hidden in the woods. It tirelessly generates green power for the community and even provides profits - used by the local town of Callander.
Next week, we'll arrange to see more family members including Peter's brother David and his lovely wife & kids... and we'll even see WILLOW!!.. if she's GOOD!