The Wild Wooly Wet Way
Ireland has the best pub culture of anywhere we have been - far better than other places that traditionally think they have the best pub...

Splitting up & Ireland
It's early November and we're splitting up. Dawn is on a mission to do some "boat stuff" shopping in the US. Electronics and hardware is...

ATAC to St Cyril's
Leaving Istanbul Sadly, we have to leave Turkey as our three months Turkish visa is up. We loved Turkey, especially the people, but our...

Circumcision Formal Wear Along the Silk Road
We continued the second half of our Turkish tour up north towards Istanbul from where we left off in Selçuk / Ephesus. During the month...

Turkish Sailing with Kittens, Goats and Nieces
~7 months to go before Chloe launches.... Our whole Sailing Chloe adventure is driven by us wanting to seek out diversity, variety and...